

Hello again you lovely lot,

I’m so happy to tell you that through our partnership with Work For Good, the first cause we are supporting is WasteAid.  Here at The Greener Earth Project, we know the importance of tackling the climate crisis in every part of the world. 

WasteAid sets up small recycling training centres around the world, reducing the need for open dumping and helping people make the most of their ‘waste’. Waste management is a very cost-effective tool for sustainable development. 1 in 3 people worldwide has to dump or burn their waste, causing the spread of disease, polluting the oceans and adding to the climate crisis.

Their vision is a world with equal access to waste services for all. 40% of the world’s waste from homes, businesses, agriculture, hospitals and industry is not collected or treated. What a scary thought! WasteAid says solid waste management is a key to delivering the global goals for sustainable development. The following is what they stand by:

  1. No poverty – jobs in waste collecting and recycling
  2. Zero hunger – reduced food waste and more use of organic waste
  3. Good health and well-being – less diseases caused by open dumping and burning
  4. Quality education – environmental, health training and awareness.
  5. Gender equality – women often bear most of the impact of bad waste management
  6. Clean water and sanitation – better sustainable waste management goes hand in hand with better wash
  7. Affordable and clean energy – bioenergy opportunities from organic waste
  8. Decent work and economic growth – waste management is the world’s largest industry
  9. Industry, innovation and infrastructure – recycling innovation is growing and scalable
  10. Reduced inequalities – the poorest are harmed the most from poor waste management
  11. Sustainable cities and communities – better sustainable waste management vital for healthy and resilient communities
  12. Responsible consumption and production – need to shift from waste to resource management
  13. Climate action – reduced methane and CO2 from dumping and burning
  14. Life below water – less plastic pollution in the oceans and sea life
  15. Life on land – less pollution on the land, healthier environments
  16. Peace and justice strong institutions -producer responsibility 
  17. Partnerships for the good – working together formal and informal, wealthy and poor

I’m so excited to show you more about the fantastic work they are continuing to do. If you want to know more please feel free to comment below.

Thank you for reading,
Love Demi x

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