New Year, New Chair

New Year, New Chair

We would like to take the time to wish everyone a happy New Year, and to welcome the newest member of The Green Earth Project. Please welcome our new Chair, Allison Robertshaw.

We asked Allison some questions to find out a little more about her and why she decided to join us.

You are the new Chair of The Greener Earth Project. What does this position entail?

It’s very much an advisory role—giving advice during board meetings on future plans, making sure the financials stay on track, and offering a fresh set of eyes and new ideas to help the team grow their impact.

What are your plans while at The Greener Earth Project?

My hope is to help the team connect with some of the bigger trends, not only in the climate change space, but also in the biodiversity space, as well as help them develop their sponsorship offer to bring in more companies and organisations keen to find a way to engage with the environment.

Why did you decide to volunteer at The Greener Earth Project?

I’ve spent the bulk of my career working on big systemic changes in climate change space, and was keen to give some time to a smaller charity that was looking to grown, and where my experience might be able to help.

What is for your favourite tree/plant?

Tough one. My Dad is an amazing gardener, and I’m afraid my thumb is only slowly changing from brown to light green. At the moment, I’m slightly obsessed with hellebores, and have about 8 types growing on pots on my patio—nothing compared with the 40+ types my father has!

If you could, what would you do to change the world?

I’d make voting compulsory (well, in democracies at least). Too many people are apathetic about politics, and it’s who is in power making decisions that changes the way we live. We need people to engage in politics if we have hopes to counterbalancing the dark money that the right is pouring into the system.

Thank you so much, Allison, for taking the time to tell us a little bit about yourself. We look forward to working with you.

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